Dempster Highway
Driving near the Ogilvie Mountains


Ogilvie Mountains
Driving towards the mountain range

5474 hits

NWT Border
Sign welcoming all to the Northwest Territory

4720 hits

North Klondike Mountains
Mountain views in the Klondike

4554 hits

North Klondike Mountain Range
Majestic mountains along the Dempster Hwy

4106 hits

Nitainlaii Picnic Area
Information and Day Use area


Nitainlaii Park Entrance
Information signs about the area.

4169 hits

Muddy Adventure
Some of the Earth's best paint jobs ever.

6903 hits

Do not see allot of these on the Dempster Hwy

4089 hits

在民主黨英裏0pster Hwy
Starting our adventure near Dawson City

6242 hits

Tsiigehtchic First Nation Village
Village at the Mackenzie River Ferry Crossing

4990 hits

Mackenzie River Lowlands
Ferry crosses the Mackenzie River on Dempster Hwy

5004 hits

Ferry Crossing
Dempster Highway crossing on Mackenzie River

4305 hits

Banks of the River
Waiting for the ferry on Mackenzie River in the Lowlands

5472 hits

Canoe Sinking
Boat in need of help on Mackenzie River

5794 hits
