我的峽灣劃船冒險在加拿大紐芬蘭我降落在一個非常獨特的目的地。在噴氣滑雪遊覽財富海灣周圍,問,我發現自己孤立社區的邂逅。我們發現整個美麗的地方探索海岸,我很快和當地人交朋友,最後住好幾天。我度過了一個愉快的探索他們美麗的土地和學習生活在農村孤立的村莊。邂逅東位於財富海灣,隻能由個人船隻或輪渡服務池的灣灣L雕刻刀半島飯店。外港社區位於北Terrenceville Belleorum東部和西部。事實上,沒有車輛在社區。運輸方式包括步行、騎自行車、船或ATV。在一個網格邂逅湖之旅,我很驚訝的驚人的山地景觀。我們繼續“da池塘”,當地人叫它,我們能夠采取我的風景觀點高聳的山脈、峽灣和瀑布。 I really was able to appreciate the glacially carved fjord and it reminded me of the gorge in Gros Morne National Park. When we arrived at the end of the lake we were greeted with a beautiful sandy beach, cabins by the water and warm welcoming local residents inviting us in for a cold summer beer. In conclusion, unexpected, unplanned and spontaneous adventures always make for the best memories! Rencontre East is a very unique, off grid, adventure travel destination in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.